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Landscape Committee

The VHHOA Landscape Committee plays a major role in managing and developing our 40 acres of commons. This past year with funding from our partners, the Nebraska State-wide Arboretum and the Nebraska Environmental Trust, we were able to further develop the Pollinator Greenway (located straight west of the Mendoza playground) by adding additional Native shrubs and perennials along with islands of heavy mulching to keep weeds down and make any mowing easier.  These plantings not only attract more pollinators but also hold the soil and help prevent excessive runoff. The Landscape Committee, in addition to planting trees, shrubs and perennials, does management of these and other areas through weeding, trimming, watering when necessary and continuing to assess needs.

The VHHOA is one of over 100 arboretum sites across the state, a status that means having access to plant materials both Native and non-Natives that have been well documented to do well in Nebraska’s changing and volatile climate. Many of the plants along the Billy Wolfe Trail and at the Pollinator Greenway have identification markers. This Fall also debuted an educational sign at the Greenway  listing many of the plants. This information can be helpful to homeowners making decisions about possible plants to include in their yards. If you would like to help with the landscaping, we are always looking for volunteers.


Click the Get In Touch link below to find out more.

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